Dating Amber (2020)

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Ali Mirza

Dating Amber (2020)

The plot of the movie takes place in 1995 in the town of The Curragh, Ireland, and centres on two teenagers named Eddie and Amber who, after being subjected to persistent homophobic abuse, come to the conclusion that the best way to conceal their sexuality from the small rural Irish town in which they live is to pretend to be a heterosexual couple. Amber’s life has been clouded by the fact that her father committed suicide, and she desires to live a lesbian punk lifestyle in an atmosphere that is more accepting of her sexual orientation. She is accumulating money so that she may move to London by clandestinely renting out caravans on a park that is maintained by her mother to young couples who are in need of some quiet. Eddie does not have a strong sense of self-assurance regarding his sexuality, and he plans to join the Irish Army like his insensitive and frequently missing father did.

The “couple” begins to adopt Dublin’s gay culture throughout their travels to Dublin. Someone from Eddie’s hometown catches him passionately kissing another man at a homosexual pub. The couple is spotted together. This sends Eddie into a panic, and he attacks the people who saw him kissing his girlfriend. In the meantime, Amber starts having romantic feelings for Sarah, a girl she meets in Dublin.

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