San Andreas

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Talha Sajjad

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Since Blake Gaines has decided to attend the university in San Francisco, her father, Raymond “Ray” Gaines, a pilot for the Los Angeles Fire Department Air Rescue, will drive her there from Los Angeles. He is getting a divorce from his wife Emma, who is planning to move in with her wealthy lover Daniel Riddick when the divorce is finalised.

In the meantime, the researchers Dr. Lawrence Hayes and Dr. Kim Park from Caltech travel to a dam to examine their seismic studies, but while they are there, there is a powerful earthquake that causes the dam to collapse. Lawrence makes the startling discovery that the San Andreas Fault is shifting, which will result in a significant earthquake in both San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Daniel offers to drive Blake to San Francisco because he has a meeting there, and Ray needs to travel in order to assist the victims who were affected by the dam. Daniel takes Blake to his office, and while she is there, she makes friends with the British architect Ben Taylor and his younger brother Ollie Taylor.

Ben is Daniel’s assistant, and Ollie is Ben’s brother. During the time when Ray is in the air on his way to the dam, there is a tremor in Los Angeles, which is followed by the earthquake reaching San Francisco. What will take place after this?

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