The Shining (1980)

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Kaleem Khan

9 Similar Movies To The Shining (1980)

Jack Torrance, an aspiring author and recovering alcoholic, drags his wife Wendy and his talented son Danny up snow-capped Colorado’s remote Overlook Hotel after taking a job as an off-season caretaker there. Jack is plagued by a persistent case of writer’s block.

The enormous hotel is closing down for the season, and the manager is giving Jack a property tour. Meanwhile, the facility’s chef, an elderly man named Mr. Hallorann, is having an exciting conversation with Danny about a unique psychic gift known as “The Shining.” During their discussion, Mr. Hallorann warns Danny about the hotel’s deserted rooms, in particular the off-limits Room 237.

However, rather than breaking out of the depressing creative rut, Jack begins slowly lose his mind. At the same time, he is imprisoned in a harsh environment consisting of seemingly endless snowstorms and a vast, silent prison riddled with strange occurrences and eerie visions.

This prevents Jack from breaking out of the creative rut. Now, the voices constantly running through Jack’s head are demanding that he make a sacrifice. Is it possible that Jack could kill someone?

Similar Movies To The Shining (1980)

9 Similar Movies To The Shining (1980)<br>

1: American Psycho

It is the latter part of the 1980s. Patrick Bateman, a Wall Streeter who is 27 years old, moves around among an exclusive group of people known as the proverbial beautiful people. In this exclusive group, only the members are able to let others who are similar to themselves in, which gives them a sense of superiority. Patrick follows the same routine every morning to ensure that he continues to project an image of attractiveness and physical fitness. He, along…


2: There Will Be Blood

In the early 20th century in California, the lives of Daniel Plainview and Eli Sunday are presented along with the ways in which their paths crossed. Daniel Plainview, a former miner turned oilman, is a goal-oriented individual who is willing to sacrifice anything in order to achieve his objectives. He puts in a lot of effort, but he also takes advantage of the people around him and, if necessary, does so at their expense. His son, H.W., is his business…


3: Network (1975)

In the 1970s, acts of terrorist violence are standard fare on the evening newscasts of television networks, and the UBS Television Network is reorganizing its corporate structure. In the meantime, the aging news anchor for UBS, Howard Beale, has seen a decline in his once-dominant ratings share, which has led to his termination from the network. Beale acts in a manner that is surprising to observe. After that, we see how this impacts the lives of Beale, his coworkers (Max…


4: Eraserhead (1977)

The head of Henry Spencer, played by Jack Nance, can be seen floating in the sky as The Man in the Planet, played by Jack Fisk, manipulates levers inside his home in space. A creature resembling a spermatozoon appears to erupt from Spencer's mouth and float off into the void. Spencer makes his way home through an urban environment while carrying his groceries. He is approached by the Beautiful Girl Across the Hall (Judith Anna Roberts), who informs him that…


5: Apocalypse Now (1979)

It is the height of the war in Vietnam, and U.S. Army Captain Willard has been tasked with carrying out a mission that, officially, 'does not exist - nor will it ever exist.' This assignment has been given to him by Colonel Lucas and a General. The objective of this mission is to locate a mysterious Green Beret Colonel named Walter Kurtz, whose army has crossed the border into Cambodia and is currently engaged in hit-and-run operations against the Viet…


6: Taxi Driver (1976)

Travis Bickle is a former Marine who served during the Vietnam War and resided in New York City. As a result of his inability to fall or stay asleep, he fills his time by working as a taxi driver at night, going to seedy theatres during the day to watch pornographic films, and meditating on how the world, and New York City, in particular, have degenerated into a cesspool. He is an individual who lives by himself and possesses strong…


7: Natural Born Killers

In the middle of the New Mexico desert, Mickey Knox and his wife Mallory make a pit stop at a diner. A pair of rednecks sexually harass Mallory as she dances near a jukebox when they enter the scene. She initially gives her approval but then turns around and viciously beats one of the men. Mickey decides to join her, and the two of them kill everyone in the diner, except for one patron, to whom they proudly reveal their…


8: Nightcrawler

The film NIGHTCRAWLER is a suspense story that takes place in the seedy underbelly of modern-day Los Angeles. Jake Gyllenhaal plays the lead role of Lou Bloom, a self-motivated young man who is hopelessly unemployed and stumbles upon the fast-paced world of L.A. crime journalism. Lou enters the cutthroat and dangerous world of night crawling by locating a group of freelance camera crews that film crashes, fires, murder, and other mayhem. In this realm, each police siren wail represents a…


9: Wrong Turn

Chris Flynn is going to an interview for a job in a different city, and he is driving his car there. However, the highway is blocked due to an accident involving a trunk carrying chemical products. Chris must find an alternate route to complete his schedule through the mountains of West Virginia. He was not paying attention, and as a result, he collided with another vehicle parked in the middle of the road with flat tires. Chris comes across a…

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