The Strangers (2008)

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Kaleem Khan

6 Similar Movies To The Strangers (2008)

As they make their way back to James Hoyt’s childhood summer home in the dark after attending a friend’s wedding, James Hoyt and Kristen McKay arrive in a remote location, far from any sign of human habitation. The couple’s relationship is fraught with tension due to Kristen’s rejection of James’ marriage proposal to her after the reception.

James calls his buddy Mike and asks him to pick him up first thing in the morning. A resounding knock can be heard at the front door just a few minutes after 4:00. James dismisses the young blonde woman who asks him and his partner, “Is Tamara here?” the face of which cannot be seen because of the dim lighting in the room. Before James leaves the house to get Kristen some cigarettes, he lights a fire. James then goes the place to get Kristen some cigarettes.

6 Similar Movies To The Strangers (2008)<br>

1: The Devil's Rejects

The police in Ruggsville, Texas, under the command of Sheriff John Quincy Wydell, launch an assault on the residence of the family of sadistic serial killers known as the Fireflys (also known as The Devil's Reject). They are successful in apprehending mother Firefly, but Otis B. Driftwood and Baby Firefly can evade capture during the standoff. Tiny, who had been wandering around the neighborhood, also managed to getaway. Otis and Baby place a call to their patriarch, the crazed clown…


2: Tucker And Dale Vs. Evil

There are a group of college students going camping in West Virginia. Their names are Allison, Chad, Chloe, Chuck, Jason, Naomi, Todd, and Mike. They meet Tucker and Dale, two well-meaning hillbillies, while they are at a gas station. Tucker and Dale have recently purchased the vacation home of their dreams; it is a run-down lakefront cabin that is deep in the woods. Dale attempts to talk to Allison after receiving advice to do so from Tucker; however, due to…


3: Timber Falls (2007)

Mike and his girlfriend Sheryl spend the weekend in the woods hiking and camping at Lake Kimbrabow State Park in West Virginia. Mike and Sheryl are from Virginia, and they traveled there from West Virginia. They ask the local guard for directions, and he tells them to follow the Donner Trail or the Willow Creek Bridge. However, Mike meets the local Ida Forester at the crossroad, and she tells them that Timber Falls has magnificent landscapes and a wonderful waterfall.…


4: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

While traveling through the woods of Texas, five teenagers pick up a traumatized hitchhiker, who later commits suicide by shooting herself inside their van. After being traumatized by the suicide, the group decides to ask the locals for assistance; however, their predicament becomes even more bizarre when they knock on the door of a remote homestead. The unfortunate young people are forced to immediately begin fleeing for their lives when it becomes immediately apparent that the residents are a family…


5: Cabin Fever (2002)

A group of people who met in college, including Paul, Karen, Bert, Marcy, and Jeff, decided to spend a week together in a secluded cabin in the woods. They panicked and burned the man, who then fell into the water reservoir and died. The man had been infected with a strange disease and had asked for their assistance when they arrived. The agreement is made by everyone in the group, with the exception of Karen, that they will consume nothing…


6: Evil Dead (2013)

In the movie's opening scene, a young woman is seen racing through the woods until she is cornered by two hillbillies who are pursuing her. She awakens to find herself tied up in the fruit cellar of a remote cabin, where an older adult is reciting incantations from a mysterious book. She had been subdued and had a sack placed over her head when she awoke. The young woman begs her father, Harold, to let her go free immediately. She…

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